Also … Find Similar Profiles
Reduce the time needed to find new influencers.
Give Author Explorer a social profile, and we'll show you the other profiles that are linked to by the same type of website.
You can now find the best parts of Majestic Monitor right here, on
Find influencers who attract real website links from outside of the social bubble with the new Author Explorer, available for all Majestic subscribers with a PRO or API plan.
Articles, press releases and blog posts often include links to quote-worthy sources, local journalists will add a link to their bio in their copy. Websites for brands, notable figures and sports teams carry links to their social accounts.
Majestic has always reported these links. Author Explorer makes this data far easier to access.
Author Explorer helps you find accounts with lasting influence. Discover where impact is felt outside of the sometimes fleeting world of social media. Gain insight into social media posts which are most referenced from the web.
The Majestic Monitor integration reports on links from sites that tag the social accounts of their creators. This is the tool you need to navigate the difficult world of AI driven content and help discover people and brands with influence and notability.
In a world of AI content, the credibility an expert influencer gives your content is becoming more and more valuable. The insight and fresh perspective authored content brings helps benefit the user Experience, by demonstrating the Expertise and Authority of your site’s authors and contributors.
When Majestic crawlers visit a web page, they check to see if there are any Site or Creator author tags cited in the header <META> tags. These provide machine readable signals of who is credited with the creation of the on-page content.
When you view the Backlinks and Link Context reports, you can see these linked social accounts. These are shown as labels beside Source link data. Clicking on any of the labels takes you to Author Explorer, uncovering greater insight. Discovering where handles of interest are credited as a creator of content or site.
For over ten years, the SEO industry has used the Majestic Trust Flow score to identify quality websites and links.
Within Author Explorer, Trust Flow checks to see how far a social handle AND its status updates are from a set of human-curated seed sites. This helps you find which social accounts attract the best links from the traditional web.
Topical Trust Flow scores go one further and can help you identify authors with perceived authority and trust in a certain niche. If the twitter handle is well-known or respected within your industry of choice, it can lend credibility to their content and signal to search engines that your site is a reliable source of information.
Reduce the time needed to find new influencers.
Give Author Explorer a social profile, and we'll show you the other profiles that are linked to by the same type of website.
We count how many times we see web links to individual status updates.
You can check the top most-linked-to updates for any profile.
Make sure that authors are being linked to outside social.
Check their top web links in Author Explorer, or click through to Majestic for a more comprehensive look.
For each profile, you can discover which phrases and search terms are most closely associated with that account.
Find phrases that will help to refine your influencer search.
With Author Explorer, you are not just limited to in-browser exploration. Site author and page author handles have been added to the Export extracts on the Backlinks and Context tabs.
You can download the top backlinks for any site, and analyse any available site and page social tags for their links.
And we've even added handles to the Pages tab. If you use social card tags on your site, you can now export a list of all pages we've crawled, and check out which sites and authors have been added (or which ones are missing!).
It's time to check out your first profile
If you have any questions about the integration of Majestic Monitor into, please contact us.
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